Wednesday, November 03, 2004


To all those that said they'd leave if the election didn't go their way, get out. From both sides. Just go.

I guess the October Surprise we all expected was nothing. Exactly nothing; a ruse, while the Christian Coalition got out the vote quietly. The ABB strategy (predictably, with hindsight that qualifies us for flight school) didn't work. Never mind that abortion rates have risen the past four years after a stead decline of ~1.6% per year since 1976. Never mind that the "moral values" guy doesn't go to church (unlike his predecessor) and has an administration that makes U.S. Grant look like Woodrow Wilson by comparison. Never mind the retarded war on nonexistent premises. The outsourcing. The cloven tax stratification. The bullheaded non-observance of facts by a guy who has never kept a company he helmed afloat and thinks that evolution being a "theory" means it's on the same grounds as an X-files episode.

A lot of people are scared of catching the gay, and are willing to make second-class citizens out of certain neighbors and co-workers. And these people vote.


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